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- From: rmarsh@plains.nodak.edu (Ronald Marsh)
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Does Clinton Know ?
- Date: 19 Jun 1996 17:10:10 GMT
- Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network (NDHECN)
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <4q9c9i$kar@daily-planet.nodak.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: plains.nodak.edu
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- Having read through this thread I have a few comments:
- 1) As a physicist I held a clearance for 9 years and I can tell you 2 things:
- At the higher levels (above secret) your clearance only gets you access to
- the project(s) that "sponsered" your clearance ("Need to know"). If your
- boss/commanding officer wants information from you and they do not have
- the proper clearance YOU REFUSE THEM!!! It's the law and they know it. So
- it seldom happens.
- 2) Clinton does not have a need to know everything. For example, the inner
- workings of a nuclear warhead are not on his list of his required knowledge.
- So I doubt greatly that anyone would give him that data even if he asked
- for it. And if he then fired that person, Congress would have a field day.
- Whether or not UFO data is on his list of need to know stuff is hard to
- say (I suspect that the existance of UFO's is known by the President, but
- the specifics are probably not).
- 3) Full auto-weapons are not hard to come by. Certain assault rifles
- (excluding the Ak-47) are relatively easy to convert to full auto. It's
- illegal, but not hard to do.
- 4) I seem to recall that before Jimmy Carter was elected that he
- publically stated that he would look into the UFO situation. Of course
- once he was elected that "promise" vanished. So either:
- a) He was told that it was highly classified data and that he could not
- release it to the public.
- b) He was told that he didn't have a need to know and it ended.
- c) He was told and decided that the people couldn't handle the truth (I
- personally believe this last one is what happened).
- Ron